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Hi, I am Anil Aggrawal, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India. I am a lover of information and knowledge. "Knowledge is power", said Thomas Hobbes. It appears if he hadn't said it, I would have. Forensic Medicine is just one of the several subjects I love. Of course it occupies my main attention because it is my profession.
I have always felt forensic professionals are very creative people. They have always wanted to do new things. Over the years they have been asking me over and over again, how they can make their own forensic pages. I made my first page, sometime in 1996, and have mostly been self-taught, through books, other web pages, discussions with friends and the like. But never in my life have I taken regular classes from a professional programmer. Lately a brilliant teacher has come in my life - my son Tarun.
You may want to skip this sub-heading. I wrote it mainly to please myself! But if you are curious about what these pictures are doing in a page on forensic programming, you may want to read on. I did not find these pictures abnormal at all, till Tarun asked me this question. I felt then, that this question needed to be addressed. A bit about my family first, without whose active support, these pages would not have been possible at all. The top row shows me and my wife Marygold just after marriage - sometime around 25 March 1983 (I got married on 16 March 1983). This picture was taken during our honeymoon in Mussourie and Dehradoon. The second picture was taken almost 19 years later - on 25 December 2001, when we visited our brother-in-law Sanjay Gupta in California. Among other things, it shows the inexorable stamp of time.
The bottom row shows my son Tarun. He was born on 20 December 1984. The first picture was taken sometime in 1988, during our visit to Kausani, a lovely hill station in North India (it is now known mainly because the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi visited it once and praised this place). The second during 1996 during my visit to USA as a WHO fellow. He is trying threading his hand through the vertebra of a whale in a Washington D.C. Aquarium. Over the years he has grown into an intelligent and loving child. He is the one who is responsible for whatever I know about programming.
But why the pictures? These show the two people I love most in my life (besides my mother, my two brothers and their families of course!). And it was mainly because of these two people that I could do whatever little I have been able to. If I could explore new vistas of knowledge, it was because my wife looked after me with great loving care. While she was looking after all my personal worries, I was busy learning new things. My child taught me programming like a great teacher. Hence their pictures. I would have known no programming at all without these two people in my life.
Over the years forensic professionals from all over the world have asked me questions about the basics of computers and internet. They have asked how they could make their own web pages; how could they write their own programs to store and manipulate data (such as post-mortem data, clinical forensic medicine data and so on), and I have been answering them through Emails. Finally I decided I shall make a website which will say something about computers, internet and above all programming.
No familiarity with programming is assumed from readers. They don't even have to know much about computers. The only thing they must have is a computer and the releveant program (say C++ compiler for C++, or Netscape or Internet Explorer for HTML). And they must know how to type! Programs can often be long, and it helps if you can type fast. No need to worry though if you don't know typing. Just copy and paste the programs in your compiler. Of course if you type out the program yourself, you learn faster. In this site, I hope to include simple lessons in HTML, DHTML, C++, Javascript, Perl, CGI, and whatever little I know of other programming languages.
Yes! Although these pages are meant specially for forensic professionals (I will be addressing their problems mainly), even non-forensic people can enjoy these pages. This is because the basic programming principles remain the same.
I shall begin with C++, and then go on to other languages. You can go through lessons in order, test the various exercises in your computer and if there are any queries, you can always write Email to ask me.
Although this site would initiate you into the world of computers, internet and programming, you can't learn everything there is to learn through these pages only. Very soon, you will begin to feel the need of proper books on these subjects. One of our main aims is to provide readers of these pages with information on latest books on computers, programming and internet in the form of book reviews. Readers may read the reviews of latest books and decide, which ones they would like to buy.
Is there a career in Forensic Programming? Certainly. This specialty has skipped the attention of most professionals till now. But now more and more forensic and computer professionals are becoming aware of this specialty. To know more about careers in forensic programming and in other forensic fields, you may want to go to the forensic careers page.
You may also want to go through the various books we keep suggesting on this site from time to time. It would help you get an insight into the world of computers, internet and programming, and you might be able to apply this knowledge to forensic fields effectively. From time to time, we also suggest other teaching aids such as multimedia, CDs, DVDs, Video and audio tapes. Look out for various announcements on these pages for these products.
Here are a few great links you may want to explore.
Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Book Reviews
Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Important Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Books
Anil Aggrawal's Forensic Toxicology Page
Anil Aggrawal's Page of Forensic Quotes and Aphorisms
Anil Aggrawal's popular forensic medicine page
Anil Aggrawal's Forensic Science Fiction page
Anil Aggrawal's Forensic career page
Anil Aggrawal's Page of Forensic Jokes, Puns and Tidbits
Best Toxicology Books
Tarun Aggrawal's Home Page
Dr. Atul K. Singla's Forensic Homepage
Drug Intel
Zeno's Forensic page
Reddy's Chamkura's Forensic page
Alan Barbour's Forensic Toxicology Page
Related Links
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